Invasive alien species in Seychelles

384 pages   |   16,5x24 cm   |   Feuilleter   |   Acheter

Ouvrage en anglais.

Après une présentation générale des problèmes que posent les espèces envahissantes, en particulier sur les îles océaniques, et des solutions de gestion, cet ouvrage décrit en détail une sélection d'espèces de faune et de flore particulièrement problématiques aux Seychelles.

Des méthodes d'éradication sont décrites et des cas concrets de lutte sont présentés.
De nombreuses photos illustrent les espèces ainsi que les méthodes de lutte et de contrôle.

La presse en parle


lundi 18 avril 2016   |   "Providing the voice of experience for managing invasive species"

Biological InvasionsPar Julie L. Lockwood   |   « My over-riding urge is to buy several copies of this book and hand them out to the hard-working biologists in my region who every day confront the task of managing natural lands heavily impacted by invasive species. (…) the authors so succinctly synthesize the collective wisdom of academic researchers and Seychellois resource managers that it has tangible value well outside of the realm of island nations. Pick it up, and have a look. I guarantee you will find something within its pages that will prove useful to you. »

lundi 25 janvier 2016   |   "New publication on invasive species a first for Seychelles"

Seychelles Nation« The book was officially launched on Friday afternoon by the Minister for Environment, Energy and Climate Change Didier Dogley, in a short ceremony at the Guy Morel Institute at Ma Joie. Minister Dogley, who has himself prefaced the book, has described it as one of the best published in Seychelles and a major achievement, as specialists and researchers will now not have to start from zero but will have a publication to refer to. (...) He added that it provides essential information on how to deal with invasive species that have conquered the Seychelles landscape. »